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How do I programatically put telerik rad grid in "add new" mode on page load

Seems like this should be easy but I must just be missing something... I have a Telerik RadGrid on a page that allows inline editing. How do I programatically put the grid into edit mode to insert a new row into the grid. When the page loads I would like show the existing data and also display 1 empty row that a user can easily type into to add a new record to the table. (I don t want them to have to push the add new button)


Found the answer while back.... updating this in case others need it

RadGrid1.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted = true;


You can set

radGrid1.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted = false;

that will remove the inserted item (like pressing cancel).

If you need show inset form always you can use next:

protected void NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) {
  parametersGrid.DataSource = data;
  parametersGrid.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted = true;

You could try using jQuery to press your add button once the page is ready.

Something along the lines of -

$(document).ready(function() {

What I did when I wanted to do the same with the Telerik grid is to set the MasterTableView.IsItemInserted property of the control to true inside the OnNeedDataSource event handler. I suppose that it should work if you set the property inside the OnDataBound grid handler as well.


RefreshGrid(userName, "priority", true, false);
RadGrid radGrid = RadGrid1;

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