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Splitting flat data row into groupings

I have a stored procedure that returns hierarchical data in a single long row, for example:

ContractID | ContractName | AssetID | AssetName | UnitID
2          | Test         | 7       | My asset  | 24
5          | Another one  | 51      | Vehicle   | 89

I need to create an SSRS report that displays the data hierarchically, like this:

ContractID | ContractName
2          | Test
    AssetID | AssetName
    7       | My asset

ContractID | ContractName
5          | Another one
    AssetID | AssetName
    51      | Vehicle

Being an SSRS n00b I m stumped - is this even possible, and if so, how? If not, what is the best/recommended way to achieve this?


Eventually solved this by using a subreport... nasty, but it works.


Assumes "one row with multiple columns" as per my comment

In your table:

  • define a grouping on ContractID/ContractName Look for "Adding Row Groups to a Table" in this link

  • I think you ll need to define another group on AssetID/AssetName I m assuming multiple UnitID per AssetID/AssetName group

  • UnitID is your detail group

Edit: Sorry: I ve not yet worked with SSRS 2008 and Tablix controls.

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