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Terrarium-like agent interaction framework

I m looking for a framework for agent interaction simulation, where I can deploy some agents and let them interact and watch their evolution.

Until now I found Terrarium 2.0 (http://terrarium2.codeplex.com/). In principle this is what I need: the ability to create some creature/agent and deploy it into a simulation framework where it will interact with other agents. But it seems that Terrarium is no longer under development.

Do you know of any similar frameworks which are worth considering?



I d like to see Terrarium for VS 2010 myself. It s not under development anymore, but the source is released and is still functional. So I guess it can be updated and expanded if anyone has the time, I would if I had :) The public server is still online, but there are no peers online. Don t know of any similar frameworks, for .Net at least.

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