Ok so i have this piece of code:
def findNReplaceRegExp(file_name, regexp, replaceString, verbose=True, confirmationNeeded=True):
Replaces the oldString with the replaceString in the file given,
returns the number of replaces
# initialize local variables
cregexp = re.compile(regexp, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
somethingReplaced = True
ocurrences = 0
isAborted = False
# open file for read
file_in = open(file_name, r )
file_in_string = file_in.read()
while somethingReplaced:
somethingReplaced = False
# if the regexp is found
if cregexp.search(file_in_string):
# make the substitution
replaced_text = re.sub(regexp, replaceString, file_in_string)
if verbose == True:
# calculate the segment of text in which the resolution will be done
# print the old string and the new string
print - + file_in_string
print + + replaced_text
if confirmationNeeded:
# ask user if this should be done
question = raw_input( Accept changes? [Yes (Y), No (n), Abort (a)] )
question = string.lower(question)
if question == a :
isAborted = True
print "Aborted"
elif question == n :
file_in_string = replaced_text
somethingReplaced = True
ocurrences = ocurrences + 1
file_in_string = replaced_text
somethingReplaced = True
ocurrences = ocurrences + 1
# if some text was replaced, overwrite the original file
if ocurrences > 0 and not isAborted:
# open the file for overwritting
file_out = open(file_name, w )
if verbose: print "File " + file_name + " written"
And this file
CMC_SRS T10-24400: DKU Data Supply: SN Time Break-In Area
CMC_SRS T10-24401: DKU Data Supply: SN Transponder Enable Area
CMC_SRS T10-24402: DKU Data Supply: SN Adjust Master Slave Area
CMC_SRS T10-24403: DKU Data Supply: SN ATEC Area
CMC_SRS T10-24404: DKU Data Supply: SN PTEC Area
CMC_SRS T10-25449: DKU Data Supply: SN Self Init Area
CMC_SRS T10-24545: DKU Data Supply: SN Time Area
CMC_SRS T10-4017: RFI display update
CMC_SRS T10-6711: Radio Interface to PLS Equipment
CMC_SRS T10-21077: Safety Requirements: Limit FM Power
When i call the procedure with this file and these parameters: regexp=24403.*24404 replace=TESTSTRING
i get a coincidence (it matches and questions what to do) but when its time to replace nothing happens... Whats wrong??