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compliant formatted email

i ve been using php s pear Mail & Mail_Mime libraries to send well formatted html emails with/without attachments. some hosting companies don t have these libraries installed, and are reluctant to do so.

so, i m looking for a good technical source, tutorial, readable spec so i can write my own class using php s mail function... do you know of a good one?




There are instructions in the PEAR manual for installing using ftp. I have successfully used this to install PEAR on a web host that didn t provide it. You could give that a go before looking for alternatives.


The hosting company doesn t need to install PEAR libraries on the server for you to use them. You can include them with your code.

If you re looking to move away from PEAR, I d suggest trying Zend_Mail on for size.

The Swiftmailer class may be exactly what you are after, or might be close enough that you can extend it to suit your needs.

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