I have a problem with switching views in an iPhone application. I have the source code of "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" (http://books.google.com/books?id=TcP2bgESYfgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=beginning+iphone+3+development#v=onepage&q=beginning%20iphone%203%20development&f=false) - chapter 6 - Multiview Applications.
Now I have the problem, I want to create a new view which should switch by clicking the button on the blue screen "Press me". But it did not work.
I add the these lines to the IBAction that the button on the blue screen is pressed:
StartViewController *startController = [[StartViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"StartViewController" bundle:nil];
self.startViewController = startController;
[self.view insertSubview:startController.view atIndex:1];
[startController release];
But the toolbar at the bottom won t disappear. But I want that this toolbar disappear.
If I wrote
[self.view insertSubview:startController.view atIndex:0];
instead of
[self.view insertSubview:startController.view atIndex:1];
the new xib lies behind the old one, so I see both views, the old and the new. Why? I do not understand this.
Thanks a lot in advance & Best Regards Tim