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Introduction to Java Graphics Libraries

I just got into information-visualization and scientific-visualization and have been using Piccolo and a little with JFreeChart. I am trying to find a few new libraries that I can start using. I am looking specifically for libraries that involve multi-dimensional visualization and map overlaying (something like open-layers), but would be open to get exposure to any graphics libraries.


You may want to look at Processing - a data visualisation environment and language written in Java.

You might also want to consider R, which as very extensive graphic capabilities and is used extensively in academic research and places like the NY Times. It would require you to learn a new syntax, but it is very hard to beat for scientific visualizations, and it can easily be called from Java using JRI.

Here are a few resources:

Also, while this isn t R specific, the gallery of data visualization is worth looking at.

If you want to stick with pure Java, look at Prefuse for graph visualization.

JMathTool may be interesting. It will allow you to do simple 3D graphs quickly, however it isn t designed to handle more complicated visualisations.

The combination that I think I will be using is JMathPlot (similar to matlab) for visualizing scientific data and using JOGL for visualizing informational data

QuickDraw, written by University of Calgary professors Schock and Stephenson, is a great simple tool for graphics visualisation. Free for personal and non-commercial use.


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