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How to put license agreement in spec file, RPM
  • 时间:2009-11-25 14:54:27
  •  标签:
  • fedora
  • rpm

I am using Fedora 10 linux. I want to put license agreement for my spec file. Actually I have created rpm for my application. So my application gets installed perfectly without asking for license agreement. I want whenever i will install RPM then i should get license and if i agree then only installation should proceed. How to achieve this type of functionality in my RPM.

Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo


You don t.

rpm is designed around batch, non-interactive operation.

If you should use a EULA, then present it in the first application run by each user.


Refer Adding User License Agreement in Solaris package
Take the idea which i have used for Solaris pacakge.
Hope it helps.

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