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please compare QTP, RIATest , Selenium for Flex Application Automation Testing

Please suggest which tool should I use - QTP, RIATest, Selenium for Flex Application Functional Automation Testing. Please help me compare them with different advantages and disadvantages. Any help appreciated.


The big picture is:

QTP - sophisticated, expensive, can automate almost anything, not just Flex applications, works on Windows.

RIATest - simple, inexpensive, designed specifically and only for Flex application, works on Windows and Mac.

Sorry, no experience with Selenium.


I don t have direct experience with it, but there is a Selenium Flex API available; since Selenium is free and open source, it s a great option if your budget is tight.

I do have experience with Selenium in general and can highly recommend it; it s relatively easy to learn and works on any platform with a multiplicity of browsers.

Recently I evaluated the above tools for our Orgnisation. I say go with QTP. The configuring of qtp for flex is easy. I wrote a hub about it. http://hubpages.com/hub/Automating-Flex-Applications-with-QTP Please ask questions if you have any. Follow me n my hub

QTP does work with Flex apps...just have to have the right versions.

I was using Selenium to test Flex for a while, then Sun came out with a new plugin for Java in the browser with 1.6.14 I think it was, and I wasn t able to get it to work after that, though I admit its been quite a while since I tried.

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