I have a tableview with data, that i post to the app engine database. Whenever i delete an entry in the table, i want to delelte the item in the app engine database as well. How do i know which entry to delete?
I was thinking of this:
for every item i save in the GAE store, i make a reference to a model with the iphone unique device id. for every item i save in the GAE store, i insert a UUID for iphone db & app engine db.
So my query would be something like this ex:
del item where unique device id = ####
and item UUID = ####
I dont want to login to app engine, thats why i am using the unique device id.
My only concern is performance, GAE has to lookup device id and the UUID, i dont know if this wil be a problem?
Best solution would be if just could delete it by its db.Key(), but i dont know how to do that, because when i post the data to GAE i dont know what key it generated.
Could anyone give me some advice?