I ve just created my first VIM script, I wrote it in Python. It s a simple script to switch color schemes from a directory (/vim/etc/colors). I would like to know how to send a notification after the color scheme changed with the name of the selected color scheme to the vim statusline .
rson gave an answer to my question, here is an updated (and debugged) version of the script for who is interested (works fine as far as I can test)
Implemented (kind of) the suggestions of AI and Caleb, thanks!:
" toggleColorScheme 0.9 (l) 2009 by Jasper Poppe <jpoppe@ebay.com>
" cycle through colorschemes with F8 and Shift+F8
nnoremap <silent><F8> :call ToggleColorScheme("1")<CR>
nnoremap <silent><s-F8> :call ToggleColorScheme("-1")<CR>
" set directory with color schemes to cycle through
let g:Toggle_Color_Scheme_Path = "/etc/vim/colors"
function! ToggleColorScheme(paramater)
python << endpython
import vim
import os
paramater = (vim.eval( a:paramater ))
scheme_path = vim.eval( g:Toggle_Color_Scheme_Path )
colorschemes = [color.split( . )[0] for color in os.listdir(scheme_path) if color.endswith( .vim )]
if not vars().has_key( position ):
start_scheme = vim.eval( g:colors_name ) + .vim
if start_scheme in colorschemes:
position = colorschemes.index(start_scheme)
position = 0
position += int(paramater)
position %= len(colorschemes)
vim.command( colorscheme %s % colorschemes[position])
vim.command( redraw | echo "%s" % colorschemes[position])
vim.command( return 1 )