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How do I enable SASS line numbers in CSS output?

How can I enable line numbers in CSS output if I am using SASS? I found an article but I didn t quite understand where to make the modifications


Could you help me?


There s an option called :line_comments if you set this to true, Sass will place line numbers in your compiled output.

How to set this option depends on how you re using Sass. If it s in a Rails, Merb, or Rack application you can set Sass::Plugin.options[:line_comments] = true.

If you re using compass, set line_comments = false in your configuration file.


If you happen to be using Sprockets and the sprockets-sass gem, you may need to do it like this:

Sprockets::Sass.options[:line_comments] = true

Someone suggested this monkey-patch:

# Had to use this instead as per comment by @glebtv https://github.com/rails/sass-rails/issues/157
module Sass
    class Engine
      def initialize(template, options={})
        @options = self.class.normalize_options(options)
        @options[:debug_info] = true
        @template = template

The monkey-patch works, but I think this works even better: https://github.com/rails/sass-rails/pull/181

For now, you have to pull in rails-sass from the master branch.

group :development, :test do
  gem  sass-rails ,  ~> 4.0.0 , git:  https://github.com/rails/sass-rails.git , branch:  master 

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