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Is there any platform-independent way to access the clipboard?

I have a small side project I want to write and have yet to decide on a language. Ultimately, I want a way to access and/or modify the clipboard in a platform-independent way.

I d like to learn a new language to do this, preferably something that:

  1. I ll learn a lot from.
  2. Will look good on my resume.

...and I m leaning towards a functional language of some kind (Lisp would be ideal). That said, I might also want to experiment with interfacing C with other languages, so a C library would also be acceptable. Are there any libraries out there that would do what I m looking for in a language that meets the above criteria?


One approach to this is to use Java s clipboard class. This gives me a pretty wide selection of languages to choose from.


A crossplatform library (like thewxWidgets framework, which would let you implement in C++, Python, Ruby, and several more) would give you a way to implement this is a cross-platform manner...

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