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Versioning problem

people. I hope you can help me.

In our development process we have a unix based file server with SFTP access (let’s call it A). This server store a large numer of xslt files we are working on.

The thing is that these files aren’t under version control system. So you can imagine this nightmare. We can’t setup repository on this server, we can only perform create/read/update/delete operations with these files.

So we have to find another approach. There is another server with full access (let’s call it B). Is it possible to setup repository on B with background logic that on every repository operation will perform download/merge/upload operations related to server A?

There are two problems more:

  1. All files on A lay in the same directory and we want them to be structured on server B in a folder hierarchy.
  2. Files on A can be changed by another team.

We are using Subversion. But maybe it is possible to realize rhs with another version control systems?

Thanks, Vova.


As far as I know, no version control system will fly with your #2 problem (files on A can be changed by another team). The rest of your requirements can be fulfilled with SVN and some simple scripts. These could be DOS batch file scripts, python, perl, take your pick.

However, if you can t solve your #2 problem by ensuring the files on A are never changed by another team, I think what you re asking for is unfeasible. All teams should work on the files in the repository on server B.

Anyhow, just my 2 cents. -Doug


You could use svnsync to mirror a repository, or you could look at rsync to just do a update from it, and then perform some custom tasks afterwards.

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