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Capturing a screenshot of an embedded video using C#

I am working on a video search engine. Similar to google video. I have noticed that google video has a screen shot from all the videos that they index. I have tried many ways to achieve this with no success. One way that i was suggested is to create an swf that will load the required swf and take a screen shot. however this is not a good solution since i need my video to be indexed automatically.

I have already created the search engine to index all videos. but i am stuck on taking a screen shot.

One thing i have noticed is that the screen shots on google video do not have the play controls of players from various website. This leads me to think that they capture a screen shot from the streaming information and not the flash video.

Does anyone have a clue or a method of how to capture a screen shot of a streaming video using c# Asp.net?


I am not looking to get a movie and convert it to flash and take a screen shot. I am interested in taking a screen shot of Flash movies on sites like youtube and vimeo. So what i do is index the internet looking for objects tags which i managed to do. But i cannot seem to find a way to take a screen shot. However google managed to do so with google video.


here is good blog post to play video in asp.net and create thumbnail. It could help you as hint. The writer has provided source code too.


This simple method captures the current screen image into a .NET Bitmap object.

private Image CaptureScreen()
    Rectangle screenSize = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
    Bitmap target = new Bitmap(screenSize.Width,screenSize.Height);
    using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target))
        g.CopyFromScreen(0,0,0,0,new Size(screenSize.Width,screenSize.Height));
    return target;

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