I am having big trouble to communicate through USB, from a Mac to an external HID device. The hardware has been proven fine when running under the Windows XP platform, but I can t find a GOOD exemple of programming the HID with Cocoa / objective-C. Several exemples are available in the Apple center, but they are either poorly documented, or too much complex ( in term of software with mixed objective-C and C, making the file difficult to understand), or not up to date. Well, I must say that I am more an hardware electronic engineer than a software specialist ! So far, I can enumerate the USB port, identify my device using the HID Apple s tools ( I read PID and VID ), but I miserably fail to send a report and/or to read a report back from the external device. I would certainelly appreciate if one of you has used the new Apple s HID API and can share some know how. On the other hand, is there any "USB spy" tool operating with the Apple s OSX ? Thank you so much for your help