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new Zend_Loader_Autoloader not finding files

I just upgraded from ZF 1.7 to ZF 1.9, and almost everything works fine... except for Autoloader.


require_once( Zend/Loader.php );  


require_once  Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php ;  
$loader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();  
$loader->registerNamespace( MySiteName_ );

The files I need to auto-load are mostly not namespaced (because it s a large project from pre-namespacing). They are in the following directories:

  • /application/controllers
  • /common/models
  • /library
  • /vendor

The site seems to work fine EXCEPT that it can t find /library/Form.php
It used to be able to, but not anymore. It works if I add a require_once library/Form.php , but that shouldn t be necessary, and I m worried that if I start doing that in some places, I ll need to abandon the autoloader and hard-code all includes. I thought adding "setFallbackAutoloader(true)", combined with having "library" in my include path would fix it, but it didn t.

My include path is:

Any help greatly appreciated!


You said it works if you do this:

require_once  library/Form.php ;

But, if your library path is included, then you should be specifying, as autoloader does, like this:

require_once  Form.php ;

Try typing require_once Form.php ; into your script. Does it bomb? Then, your include path doesn t have /library, and that would need to be fixed.


Your autoloader is only going to attempt loading classes that begin with MySiteName_. Try adding Form as a namespace maybe?

$loader->registerNamespace( Form );

The class name inside the file library/Form.php should be Form. What s your class name?

I tested here and is working fine.

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