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Is QImage able to open and render pure 16-bit images?

I think the headline already explains what I want to know.
Is there a possible way to open and save images with 16-bit with Qt? And I don t mean the 3*8=24bit or 4*8=32bit, what is quite the same as a pure 8-bit image, I mean pure 16-bit for R, G and B.


Contrary to what Patrice says, there is no 16 bits per component format in QImage. The most you can get is QImage::Format_ARGB32 at 8 bits per component. Even if you used 8 bits indexed mode, the color tables do not support more than 8 bits per component. Moreover, the QImageIOHandler class works in terms of QImage, so you cannot create a custom image format plug-in to work with 16 bits per color component, unfortunately.


You can use libpng (png++) for that purpose.

QImage::Format not define pure 16 bit but can define 10 bit.
QImage::Format_A2RGB30_Premultiplied (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qimage.html), can use RGB 10 bits per channel (0...1).
But if use QImage::setPixel they still use 8 bit per channel for define pixel from QColor.

As others already mentioned, there is no format with 16 bits per component supported in Qt for now.

However there is a request opened to implement this, with a patch attached: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-45858

Not sure what is the status of this, and if it will get integrated.

Qt5.13 is supported

here is the example

QImage raw((uchar*)byte.data(), 480, 640, QImage::Format_Grayscale16);

use the flag QImage::Format_Grayscale16

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