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Webspehere 6.1 and JNDI for something other than a Datasource

I was wondering: how does one go about configuring WAS if they want to store some confidential information that is not datasource, JMS or Mail related? I m looking more for an adhoc JNDI resource (a few Strings) that can be queried at runtime to get both a username and password for a vendor system I need to connect to.

Not being uber familiar with WAS, I m sort of lost. In Tomcat it was a breeze. In WAS, I think I m missing a few concepts, I m sure it s possible though.


WAS JNDI is open to extension using your own URL provider class. The examplehere uses the capability to point to property files, but presumably you could instead create a provider that obtained data from a database (or whatever repository you are required to use) instead of a property file.


You can define your own JNDI entries.

Under Environment -> Naming -> Name Space Bindings you can create String binding type, and assign a key and value which can be looked up by the applications.

Is this what you are after?


Webspehere 6.1 and JNDI for something other than a Datasource

I was wondering: how does one go about configuring WAS if they want to store some confidential information that is not datasource, JMS or Mail related? I m looking more for an adhoc JNDI resource (a ...

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