English 中文(简体)
原标题:Logical value of an assignment in C
while (curr_data[1] != (unsigned int)NULL &&
    ((curr_ptr = (void*)curr_data[1]) || 1))


(curr_ptr = (ave*)curr_data***)在逻辑上评价。 http://www.un.org。

而且,我知道它只是 ha,但while statement legal C? 我不得不通过大的调子来把《守则》其他地方的任务放在一边,因此,如果我能够离开,我真的是 n,但如果它如此奇怪,它使每个人的眼球陷入火焰,我就会改变。



  1. It will evaluate to true if curr_ptr isn t set to NULL (i.e. curr_data[1] isn t 0).
  2. I believe it s legal, but there are bigger problems with this line of code.

不管怎么说,我假定你没有写这本法典,因为你在把它删除时重新辩论。 因此,我希望你发现,谁写了这条法典,并将其引入一个 heavy强的物体。

  1. (unsigned int)NULL is ridiculous. Why would you do this? This will probably be the same as just writing 0 (not sure if that s guaranteed by the standard).
  2. What kind of data is in curr_data[1] if it s being cast to a pointer (and pointers are being cast to it)? If it s supposed to be holding a pointer as an integral type, you should use the type intptr_t or uintptr_t provided in <stdint.h> for that purpose (if you re compiler doesn t support C99 ptrdiff_t may be an acceptable substitute).
  3. The || 1 at the end seems to be redundant. If curr_ptr = (void*)curr_data[1] would have evaluated to false, we would have caught that in the first condition.

这可能是痛苦的,但认真重新审议这一行文。 它喜欢加入国际奥委会。


(curr_ptr = (ave*)curr_data? >将评价西非法郎,除非它是一个无效点。


while ((curr_ptr = (void*)curr_data[1]) != NULL) { ... }

任务在C中是表述,因此你的工作就是如此。 更改<代码>;至{>>>> 系指同一事项,而且更为清楚,至少是这样改动。 如果你有更明确的选择(通常是真实的),那么在条件上的任务就应当避免,但如果这种选择是最为明确的,那么就应当加以利用。

转让的结果是被转让的物体:a = 价值将进行转让,然后评价为a。 如<代码>a = b = 0。



while (curr_data[1]) {
    curr_ptr = (void *)curr_data[1];

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