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Lightweight network visualization tool

I ve been trying to find a tool for monitoring my home network. Before I go into the details, I ve looked at a ton of different software and they re either an overkill or don t have what I m looking for. Hopefully the community can help me with some advice.

My network is quite small. It consists of a modem connected to a D-Link DI-524 router. To this router I have a number of computers hooked up wirelessly.

What I m looking for is a lightweight tool for monitoring my traffic. The ideal tool would have a GUI that shows an icon of the router, and icons of all devices connected to the router with a bandwidth indicator on the lines connecting the nodes. That s pretty much it.

I m not sure if my router has SNMP. This might be a dealbreaker since many of the cheaper routers don t. I ve also read somewhere that many routers can be monitored over UDP.


Found tnv after quick googling.

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tnv (The Network Visualizer or Time-based Network Visualizer) depicts network traffic by visualizing packets and links between local and remote hosts.

Here is a list of good tools to monitor network activity.
Looks like MRTG was the best tool to use

I have also been pleased with the Serial and USB software provided by HHD Software. I ve never used their Network version, but if its as good as the USB and Serial, its probably pretty good. Here is the free trial version.

you can use CACTI and Mikrotik DUDE.

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