I m not sure I m headed on the right path but what I want to do is have an embedded Google Calendar with multiple calendars encoded in the iframe source. Example:
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=cjvssf4vj98hoa4os5hr26fmcg%40group.calendar.google.com&src=cjvssf4vj98hoa4os5hr26fmcg%40group.calendar.google.com"></iframe>
Notice the two sources (the resource IDs happen to be the same in this example, but in a real scenario they d be different). What I want to do now is create an array that would let me put the name of the calendar and its resource ID. Example:
<?php $rsrcid = array( Some Calendar => cjvssf4vj98hoa4os5hr26fmcg%40group.calendar.google.com ,); ?>
And use this array to replace that chunk of src=, etc. so that it s easier to keep track of all these resource ID s (I plan on adding a few dozen). It would need to have concatenated to it the &src= to each line. No spaces. So that it s a long string that I can insert into the iframe src.
It should be noted I m not at all good at writing my own PHP, so if I m even thinking incorrectly please let me know. Does that make sense?
Thanks for reading.