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Propel ORM including MAX in criteria
  • 时间:2009-12-08 17:50:33
  •  标签:
  • propel

I am writing a query using the Propel ORM

The query is of the form:

select * from some_table where some_table.created_at = (SELECT MAX(some_table.created_at) from some_table);

I got this far:

 $c = new Criteria();
 $c->addSelectColumn( MAX( .self::CREATED_AT. ) );

Anyone knows how to use Propel to do this, to save me writing RAW SQL?



$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(SomeTable::CREATED_AT,  (SELECT MAX( .SomeTable::CREATED_AT. ) FROM some_table) , Criteria::CUSTOM);

If you jhust want to know how to add custom WHERE values, then the solution by @prodigitalson should work, but I wonder why you are doing it this way in the first place versus just:

$recs = SomeTableQuery::create()->orderByCreatedAt()->findOne();

...which will get you the latest created record.

This way is not mentioned - so this works for me:

->select( max_id ) 
->addAsColumn( max_id ,  MAX(id) )

find() returns a collection of objects so use findOne()

addAsColumn() returns just the selected column.

I couldn t get ->withColumn( MAX(itemrevisionID) ) to work, so the work around was this ->orderByitemrevisionID( desc )

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