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Selecting text in mobile Safari on iPhone

I m trying to make it easy for an iphone user to copy some text to the clipboard in mobile safari. As in the usual "touch-hold-copy". There is a specific bit of text I want to a user to copy. I have full choice of the html markup in which to wrap the text. How can I make it easy, rather than abitrary? For instance:

  • Is there a way to "select all" the text upon touch-down using javascript? Then a user could just continue to touch-hold and then choose copy?

  • Is there a way to bring up the "select all" option? Like you can when typing in a text box? After which they can choose copy?

  • If there s no javascript solution, how can I arrange the html to help Safari select the right bit of text easily? As opposed to just a word, or a wrapping div?

I ve tried onFocus="this.select()" for various elements, none seem to work. Also tried onClick.

Those who have tried to port a site that uses ZeroClipboard to the iPhone might have some ideas.



instead of this.select(); I used the following and it worked!


The magic sauce for me was the combination of these three:

onFocus="this.selectionStart=0; this.selectionEnd=this.value.length;" <!-- for big screens -->

onTouchEnd="this.selectionStart=0; this.selectionEnd=this.value.length;" <!-- for small screens -->

onMouseUp="return false" <!-- to stop the jitters -->

Try ontouchstart instead of onfocus. Onfocus fires approx. 500ms after ontouchend, same as onclick, onmousedown, and onmouseup. See https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/HandlingEvents/HandlingEvents.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006511-SW7 for more details on mouse events.

I have run into the same problem. The onfocus event is the right one to trap (ontouchstart isn t triggered if you use the iphone keyboard [next]/[prev] buttons.) If you put an alert(); in your onfocus="" handler, you ll see the alert box pop up. The problem is this.select(); I still haven t found an answer to this, but when/if I do, I ll post it here.

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