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原标题:How can I pass my ID and my password to a website in Python using Google App Engine?


from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
url = "http://www.google.com/"
result = urlfetch.fetch(url)
if result.status_code == 200:
   print "content-type: text/plain"
   print result.content

Everything is fine here, but sometimes I need to get an HTML source of a page from a site where I am registered and can only get an access to that page if I firstly pass my ID and password. (It can be any site, actually, like any mail-account-providing site like Yahoo: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail?.src=ym&.intl=us or any other site where users get free accounts by firstly getting registered there). Can I somehow do it in Python (trough "Google App Engine")?


您可以检查401年《吉大港山区地位法》的“许可要求”,并提供《吉大港山区权利公约》授权的类型(基本内容,摘要,无论要求什么),见 rel=“nofollow noreferer”>.here


As Alex said you can check for status code and see what type of autorization it wants, but you can not generalize it as some sites will not give any hint or only allow login thru a non standard form, in those cases you may have to automate the login process using forms, for that you can use library like twill (http://twill.idyll.org/) or code a specific form submit for each site.

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