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Find HEX patterns and number of occurrences

I d like to find patterns and sort them by number of occurrences on an HEX file I have.

I am not looking for some specific pattern, just to make some statistics of the occurrences happening there and sort them.


That s an excerpt of the HEX file, and as an example I d like to get:

XX occurrences of BDBDBD

XX occurrences of B93D

Is there a way to mine the file to generate that output?


Sure. Use a sliding window to create the counts (The link is for Perl, but it seems general enough to understand the algorithm). Your patterns are named N-grams. You will have to limit the maximal pattern, though.


This is a pretty classic CS problem. The code in general is non-trivial to implement as it will require at least one full parse of the sequence, and depending on your efficiency and memory/processor constraints might require several. See here.

You will need to partition your input string in some way to ensure that you get a good subsequence across it.

If there is a specific problem we might be able to help more, but the general strategy is in the Wikipedia article above.

You can use Regular Expressions to make a pattern to search for.

The regex needed would be very simple. Just use the exact phrase you re searching for. Then there should be a regular expression function in the language you re using (you didn t specify) that can count the number of matches.

Use that to create a simple counter.

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