We develop and maintain our database schema with a custom tool. SQL scripts and runtime files are generated from that tool. However, it does not provide a very good visual representation.
Lately I been using Visio to reverse engineer the schema. This is working great so far. But to be able to do this, I need to:
- create an empty database
- execute the generated script
- start up visio
- choose reverse engineering and choose the created database
- select all tables, etc
- wait for generation
I really want to automate this process. Step 1 and 2 are easy, but how can I automate the other steps.
I ve been looking for a C# library to create Visio diagrams, but they al seem not suitable for this task.
For instance http://visioautomation.codeplex.com/ and http://www.graphviz.org/ look promising, but on a closer look they were not appropriate.
I ve tried to record macro, but the macro recorder does not work in conjuction with the reverse engineering tools.