<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?>
< Recipe>
< Entry name="Stuffed Red Cabbage" ethnicity="Slavic" />
< Cook_Time Hrs="1" Mins="30" />
< Ingredients>
< Cabbage Amount="1" Measurement="head" />
< Egg Amount="1" Measurement="unit" />
< Ground_Beef Amount="1" Measurement="lb" />
< Margarine Amount="1/2" Measurement="cup" />
< Onion Amount="1" Measurement="unit" />
< Rice Amount="1" Measurement="cup" />
< Tomato_Soup Amount="3" Measurement="cans" />
< /Ingredients>
< Description>core cabbage and boil until leaves start pulling away. Strip leaves and let cool.
chop onion and place in frying pan with margarine and heat till lightly browned.
put ground beef, rice, onion, egg and salt to taste in bowl and mix.
stuff each leaf with mixture.
put tomato soup and stuffed leaves in pot and cook for about an hour.</Description>
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "RecipeBook files (*.rcp)|*.rcp"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim settings As New XmlReaderSettings()
settings.IgnoreComments = True
Dim RecipeCard As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
Dim xmlreader As XmlTextReader
xmlreader = New XmlTextReader(RecipeCard)
Do While xmlreader.Read
needs to read xml and write appropriate items to database and listview
If xmlreader.Name.Equals("Entry") Then
MessageBox.Show(xmlreader.GetAttribute("name") & " " & xmlreader.GetAttribute("ethnicity"), "test")
End If
If xmlreader.Name.Equals("Cook_Time") Then
MessageBox.Show(xmlreader.GetAttribute("Hrs") & " hrs " & xmlreader.GetAttribute("Mins") & " mins", "test")
End If
If xmlreader.Name.Equals("Ingredients") Then
End If
End Try
End If
我的问题涉及教化人部分。 我正计划这样做:
Dim IngredientCount As Integer = 0
Dim count As Integer = (something here that gets the count of subelements inside the Ingredients element)
For i = 1 To count
MessageBox.Show(xmlreader.GetAttribute("Amount") & " " & xmlreader.GetAttribute("Measurement"), "test")
我只能说明如何获得子宫的数量,然后如何在继承时相互提及,以获得该子的名声和属性。 任何建议都将受到高度赞赏。