I m trying to figure out how to get the most recent latitude and longitude of a Twitter user (from the new Geo API data, ie the <geo:point>
tag, you can see how they look like on my twitter user timeline xml feed). I also need to retrieve how old that data is (in seconds) from the <created_at>
I m trying to write this in C to use with an mbed microcontroller so I can t use any big libraries (ideally I wouldn t use any libraries, but that might be a bad idea). The mbed site suggests a few light libraries - YAJL and FastXML seem useful - but my C knowledge is very basic and I m unsure as to how to proceed.
Assuming I have the code for retrieving a twitter user timeline into memory as a string and/or to disk (as either JSON or XML) how should I proceed?
At the moment I m doing this scraping on my webserver via PHP, but I d rather have it done in C as I hope to release the code when I m done (and I don t want my poor server being rammed!) The PHP looks like this:
date_default_timezone_set( UTC );
try {
$tweets = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=".urlencode($_GET[ screenname ])));
foreach($tweets as $tweet) {
if (is_array($tweet->geo->coordinates)) {
echo date("U") - strtotime($tweet->created_at);
echo ",{$tweet->geo->coordinates[0]},{$tweet->geo->coordinates[1]}";
} catch (Exception $e) {
This works fairly well, but I have no idea how to turn this into C! Any ideas?
Here s a snippet of the XML I m expecting to deal with:
<statuses type="array">
<created_at>Sat Dec 12 22:25:17 +0000 2009</created_at>
<text>Hello stackoverflow! This tweet is geotagged.</text>
<other tags/>
<georss:point>52.946972 -1.182846</georss:point>
<status ...>
(btw, the mbed is awesome, I m having an amazing time with it despite my lack of advanced knowledge in C or electronics, they re in stock at Farnell for £32 and definitely worth the money!)