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How to create symbolic links in the output .tar.gz file?

We are using Windows as a development system and Ant to create the platform-specific bundles. For the macOS specific bundle (.tar.gz file) we are using the tar task. I want to create a symbolic link in the output .tar.gz file which points to another file in the same .tar.gz file. Can this be done using Ant?


To the best of my knowledge stock Ant can t do this.


Bit late, but suggestion: you can create tar archives containing symlinks from windows command line using cygwin.

$ ln -s abc def
$ tar cf test.tar abc def
$ tar tvf test.tar
-rw-r--r-- shegny/Domain Users 0 2013-04-26 10:25 abc
lrwxrwxrwx shegny/Domain Users 0 2013-04-26 10:25 def -> abc

You cannot create a symbolic link on Windows. Therefore, the Symlink Ant task would not work properly. One option would be to run a continuous build server on a Mac machine. Then, you could run that task at regular intervals and the Symlink Ant task would work.

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