Well, it depends. How often will this query data be updated? If it really is unchanging, then onApplicationStart() is a fine place to put it. However, if it will change every so often, you can just tell Coldfusion to cache the query for a certain period of time, then you don t need to mess with onApplicationStart(), but rather when you call the query it will return the cached result automatically (within your specified time period).
Regardless, I would write a custom function to retrieve the data. Then it will be trivial to call it from onApplicationStart() or elsewhere.
Startup.cfc: (Named whatever you like)
<!--- Replace the datasource name with your db name --->
<cffunction name="getStartupQuery" hint="Returns a query recordset for startup">
<cfargument name="datasource" required="no" type="string" default="OtherAppDB">
<!--- Init the query variable --->
<cfset var result = queryNew("id")>
<!-- Get the query dataset --->
<cfquery name="result" datasource="#arguments.datasource#">
<cfreturn result>
Application.cfc: (Just the important parts)
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart">
<!--- init the startup.cfc, then retrieve the data
and save it to the application scope. Remember the component name must match
your component above --->
<cfset var startup = createObject("component", "startup")>
<cfset application.varFromOtherDB = startup.getStartupQuery()>
<cfreturn true>
Now, you should be able to access this variable from any CFM or CFC in your application using:
<cfset myNewVar = application.varFromOtherDB>
IF you use the onApplicationStart() method, I highly recommend implementing a method to reinit the application. For an example, see this other discussion.