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How to extract the first hit elements from an XML NCBI BLAST file?

Im trying to extract only the first hit from an NCBI xml BLAST file. next I would like to get only the first HSP. at the final stage I would like to get these based on best score. to make things clear here a sample of the xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE BlastOutput PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI BlastOutput/EN" "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dtd/NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd">
  <BlastOutput_version>blastx 2.2.22 [Sep-27-2009]</BlastOutput_version>
  <BlastOutput_reference>~Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, ~Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), ~&quot;Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search~programs&quot;,  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.</BlastOutput_reference>
  <BlastOutput_query-def>DSAD-090629_plate11A01a.g1 CHROMAT_FILE: DSAD-090629_plate11A01a.g1 PHD_FILE: DSAD-090629_plate11A01a.g1.phd.1 CHEM: term DYE: big TIME: Thu Sep 17 15:33:59 2009 TEMPLATE: DSAD-090629_plate11A01a DIRECTION: rev</BlastOutput_query-def>
      <Iteration_query-def>DSAD-090629_plate11A01a.g1 CHROMAT_FILE: DSAD-090629_plate11A01a.g1 PHD_FILE: DSAD-090629_plate11A01a.g1.phd.1 CHEM: term DYE: big TIME: Thu Sep 17 15:33:59 2009 TEMPLATE: DSAD-090629_plate11A01a DIRECTION: rev</Iteration_query-def>
      <Iteration_message>No hits found</Iteration_message>
      <Iteration_query-def>DSAD-090629_plate11A05a.g1 CHROMAT_FILE: DSAD-090629_plate11A05a.g1 PHD_FILE: DSAD-090629_plate11A05a.g1.phd.1 CHEM: term DYE: big TIME: Thu Sep 17 15:33:59 2009 TEMPLATE: DSAD-090629_plate11A05a DIRECTION: rev</Iteration_query-def>
          <Hit_def>gi|38707884|ref|NP_945016.1| Putative ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase [Enterobacteria phage Felix 01]</Hit_def>
              <Hsp_midline>M I+ DV+   +T +++DD+ D   T   AAK L+E GA +V  Y TH + S + +EN+ ++ +D +  TN++</Hsp_midline>
          <Hit_def>gi|51557505|ref|YP_068339.1| large tegument protein [Suid herpesvirus 1]</Hit_def>
          <Hsp_midline>AP +Q+P A    ++ +   K  P  +  T + T  A P   + T     A    PP+      PP S P A  R  P AP      P       P P+  P    P+   A +T PR + P  SA +AT    AP    SAK++  D    P+AG    PP+      GG V</Hsp_midline>

basically each query search creates an Iteration element. each iteration can have multiple hit which in turn can have multiple HSPs. I would like to get only the first hit and it s first HSP from each iteration. if the BLAST found no hits I would like to ignore the iteration. I worked up this simple code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from elementtree.ElementTree import parse
from elementtree import ElementTree as ET
file = open("/Applications/blast/blanes_viral_nr_results.xml", "r")
save_file = open("/Applications/blast/Blast_parse_ET.txt",  w )
tree = parse(file)
elem = tree.getroot()
print elem
Per_ID = ()

save_file.write( >%s	%s	%s	%s	%s	%s	

  % ("It_Num	", "It_ID	", "Hit_Def	", "Num	", "ID	", "ACC	"))
iteration = tree.findall( BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration )
for iteration in iteration:
   for hit in iteration.findall( Iteration_hits/Hit ):
  It_Num = iteration.findtext( Iteration_iter-num )
  It_ID = iteration.findtext( Iteration_query-def )
  Hit_Def = hit.findtext( Hit_def )
  Num =  hit.findtext( Hit_num )
  ID = hit.findtext( Hit_id )
  DEF =  hit.findtext( Hit_def )
  ACC = hit.findtext( Hit_accession )
  save_file.write( >%s	%s	%s	%s	%s	%s	  % (It_Num, It_ID[12:26], Hit_Def[1:10], Num, ID, ACC,))
  for hsp in hit.findall( Hit_hsps ):
        HSPN = hsp.findtext( Hsp/Hsp_num )
        identities = hsp.findtext( Hsp/Hsp_identity )
        #print  id:  , identities.rjust(4),
        length = hsp.findtext( Hsp/Hsp_align-len )
        #print  len: , length.rjust(4),
        Per_ID = int(identities) * 100.0 / int(length)
        #print hsp.findtext( Hsp/Hsp_qseq )[:50]
        #print hsp.findtext( Hsp/Hsp_midline )[:50]
        #print hsp.findtext( Hsp/Hsp_hseq )[:50]
        save_file.write( %s	%s	%s\%st
  % ( *** ,  % , HSPN, Per_ID))
  save_file.write( n
  % ())

any help would be greatly appriciated!


While building your own parser may be "fun" there is already a package out there that can parse BLAST xml files ... it can even do the intermediate calling of a local BLAST instance for you if you so desire.

The main site is here: http://biopython.org/wiki/Biopython

and the XML BLAST parser is here: http://biopython.org/DIST/docs/tutorial/Tutorial.html#htoc82

Something like:

from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
with open( xml/results/file ) as handle:
    all_records = NCBIXML.parse(handle)
    first_record = all_records.next()

Should work. I generally love the BioPython parsers and writers but I do not like the class-structure organization. So I generally just use the parser and extract the info I need into my own structure. YMMV

Hope that helps.


I ll second what JudoWill suggested - work smarter, not harder with the BioPython parser. This should get you a little further:

from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
blast = NCBIXML.parse(open( results.xml , rU ))
for record in blast:
    if record.alignments:
        # to print the "best" matches e-score
        print record.alignments[0].hsps[0].expect
        # to print the "best" matches bit-score
        print record.alignments[0].hsps[0].score

This will stop after the first Query (returning the first and best match). Since I suspect you may want results for other queries within the same file, just remove the break from the last line.

If I understand your basic requirement then you want to get the top hit/HSP of the query protein/nucleotide sequence.Why dont you install the standalone blast on your system with formatted nr/nt database. Type the options

blastall -p {blast programme blastp for protein,blastn for nucleotide} -d {database} -i {input query} -v 1{for top hit} -b 1{alignment of the top hit with query} -m 7{xml blast output} -o example.xml

open the xml output file in MS excel where you can see a tabulated form of the blastoutput with top single hit to each query sequence

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