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Migrate SQL Server database to SQL Azure

What s the best way to move a normal SQL server database to SQL Azure? Is it right that you can t restore from a backup file? The only way I ve found so far is to script the database (and its data) and run those scripts on the SQL Azure database but this is slow when you have lots of data.


Use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard if running SQL 2008: http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/

For older versions the best thing I ve seen is to either first upgrade to 2008 then port, or (unfortunately) to port the data using scripts as you ve suggested. If you have to do so, might I suggest SubSonic for generating your scripts?

  1. Patch SQL Management Studio 2014 with the latest patches
  2. Connect to your onsite sql server
  3. Right click Database > Tasks > Deploy Database to Windows Azure SQL
  4. DONE!

Thank you:


Be warned, backup your local copy before attempting SQLAzureMW. If the BCP entries aren t just right, it will target your local DB instead of Azure. Just recently had SQLAzureMW v3.3.9 successfully create tables on Azure, but (re)load the data (rows) in the source (local) DB.


SqlServer DataBase > Task > ExportData > Source > Destination

All Done..

Use Microsoft Data migration assistant tool which can be downloaded from here. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53595

First you have to install it. By using the Azure portal create new SQL database.Now you can deploy your local SQL database into Azure SQL database. If you have some warnings at the end of the migration process please ignore it.

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