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How to mix two ARGB pixels?

How can I mix two ARGB pixels ?


Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing#mediaviewer/File:Alpha_compositing.svg

Here A is (Red with Alpha) and B is ( Blue with Alpha ).


Taken from the same Wikipedia article where you got the image:

C_o = C_a alpha_a + C_b alpha_b left(1 - alpha_a

Translating to values which range from 0 to 255:

rOut = (rA * aA / 255) + (rB * aB * (255 - aA) / (255*255))
gOut = (gA * aA / 255) + (gB * aB * (255 - aA) / (255*255))
bOut = (bA * aA / 255) + (bB * aB * (255 - aA) / (255*255))
aOut = aA + (aB * (255 - aA) / 255)

The above is the wrong algorithm. This can be verified by substituting aA = 0. Then it turns out that if you are trying to blend color B with completely transparent color A, i.e. invisible, then logically the color B remains unchanged, but according to this formula it will be changed. The result of incorrect blending with gradient transparency. Therefore, the correct solution would be like this:

aOut = aA + (aB * (255 - aA) / 255)
rOut = (rA * aA + rB * aB * (255 - aA) / 255)/aOut 
gOut = (gA * aA + gB * aB * (255 - aA) / 255)/aOut 
bOut = (bA * aA + bB * aB * (255 - aA) / 255)/aOut 

The result of correct blending with gradient transparency.

It seems like this is what you want: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing#Alpha_blending, but I m a little confused by your notation since wikipedia says that argb values should range from 0.0 to 1.0. So I don t think this formula will give you FA=19. Can you clarify?

Edit: now that you took out the business about FA=19, I m inclined to go with that formula.

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