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Teamcity and clearcase project spanning multiple vobs

I have a clearcase project spanning multiple vobs. Teamcity 5.0 appears to assume your project is on a single clearcase vob.

Is it possible to have Teamcity build a clearcase project spanning multiple vobs?


This thread seems to suggest a different approach for a multi-vob configuration:

Now "Relative Path within the view" field is not allowed to be the root. You should specify at least the VOB name.

But you can create two VCS roots for you configuration:

  • VCS Root 1:
ClearCase View Path: "<SnapRoot path>"
Relative Path Within The View : "Vob 1"
  • VCS Root 2:
ClearCase View Path: "<SnapRoot path>"
Relative Path Within The View : "Vob 2"

add a checkout rule "+:.=>Vob 1" to the first VCS root and a checkout rule "+:.=>Vob 2" to the second.

Note: I would try using dynamic views instead of snapshot views, minimizing the "update snapshot views" times.



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