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Using Observable.FromEvent when calling a WCF service in Silverlight

I am trying to use the .NET Reactive Framework to simplify some asynchronous calls to a WCF service used by a Silverlight 3 app that I m writing.

The trouble is that I m having a hard time finding a way to structure my code in a way that will work. Part of the problem, no doubt, is understanding what mechanisms are available in Reactive and how to use them to solve my problem.

I m trying to string together a series of WCF server calls - if they were synchronous, they would look something like this:

switch( CurrentVisualState )
    case GameVisualState.Welcome:
        m_gameState = m_Server.StartGame();
        if( m_GameState.Bankroll < Game.MinimumBet )
            NotifyPlayer( ... );  // some UI code here ...
        goto case GameVisualState.HandNotStarted;

    case GameVisualState.HandNotStarted:
    case GameVisualState.HandCompleted:
    case GameVisualState.HandSurrendered:
        ChangeVisualState( GameVisualState.HandPlaceBet );

    case GameVisualState.HandPlaceBet:
        // request updated game state from game server...
        m_GameState = m_Server.NextHand( m_GameState, CurrentBetAmount );
        if( CertainConditionInGameState( m_GameState ) )
            m_GameState = m_Server.CompleteHand( m_GameState );

The calls to m_Server.XXXX() used to be implemented directly within the Silveright app (thus they could be synchronous) - but now are implemented within a WCF service. Since Silverlight forces you to call WCF services asynchronously - rewriting this block of code has been tricky.

I was hoping to use Observable.FromEvent<>() to subscribe to the various XXXCompleted events that the WCF proxy code generates, but it s unclear to me how to get this to work. My original attempt looked something like:

var startObs = Observable.FromEvent<StartGameCompletedEventArgs>(
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted += h,
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted -= h );

startObs.Subscribe( e => { m_gameState = e.EventArgs.Result.StartGameResult;
                           if( m_GameState.Bankroll < Game.MinimumBet )
                               NotifyPlayer( ... );  // some UI code here ...
                           TransitionVisual( GameVisualState.HandNotStarted );
                         } );  // above code never reached...

m_Server.StartGameAsync();  // never returns, but the WCF service is called

I was able to figure out how to get this to work. I am posting this answer in the interest of sharing what I ve learned.

It turns out that deciding which thread to execute a subscribed observer on is very important when dealing with Silverlight WCF calls. In my case, I needed to ensure that the subscribed code runs on the UI thread - which was accomplished by the following change:

var startObs = Observable.FromEvent<StartGameCompletedEventArgs>(
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted += h,
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted -= h )
        .Take(1) // necessary to ensure the observable unsubscribes
        .ObserveOnDispatcher(); // controls which thread the observer runs on

startObs.Subscribe( e => { m_gameState = e.EventArgs.Result.StartGameResult;
                           if( m_GameState.Bankroll < Game.MinimumBet )
                               NotifyPlayer( ... );  // some UI code here ...
                           TransitionVisual( GameVisualState.HandNotStarted );
                         } );  // this code now executes with access to the UI

m_Server.StartGameAsync();  // initiates the call to the WCF service


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