I have a Presenter that takes a Service and a View Contract as parameters in its constructor:
public FooPresenter : IFooPresenter {
private IFooView view;
private readonly IFooService service;
public FooPresenter(IFooView view, IFooService service) {
this.view = view;
this.service = service;
I resolve my service with Autofac:
private ContainerProvider BuildDependencies() {
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
return new ContainerProvider(builder.Build());
In my ASPX page (View implementation):
public partial class Foo : Page, IFooView {
private FooPresenter presenter;
public Foo() {
// this is straightforward but not really ideal
// (IoCResolve is a holder for how I hit the container in global.asax)
this.presenter = new FooPresenter(this, IoCResolve<IFooService>());
// I would rather have an interface IFooPresenter so I can do
this.presenter = IoCResolve<IFooPresenter>();
// this allows me to add more services as needed without having to
// come back and manually update this constructor call here
The issue is FooPresenter s constructor expects the specific Page, not for the container to create a new one.
Can I supply a specific instance of the view, the current page, to the container for just this resolution? Does that make sense to do, or should I do this another way?