English 中文(简体)
原标题:Teamcity Clearcase Plugin tries to run update on a dynamic view and bombs

我设立第5组,以表明一种动态的观点。 无论出于何种原因,它都决定,我的观点是一shot(显然没有要求)。

[09:27:38]: Nothing more to be cleaned. Build will be started as is.
[09:27:43]: update_clearcase_view
[09:27:43]: [update_clearcase_view] ccupdate
[09:27:43]: [ccupdate] cleartool: Error:  M:dynViewNamevobName  is not a valid snapshot view path.
[09:27:43]: [ccupdate] Failed executing: cleartool update -overwrite -ctime M:dynViewNamevobNameuild....vobName








Settings from the Administration > Edit Build Configuration > Edit VCS Root Page:


Type of VCS: ClearCase
ClearCase View Path: M:myView
Relative path within the view: MyVobMyProject
Use ClearCase: BASE
No Checkout Rules






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