我试图用JMeter 2.3.3版本记录一个网页。 我设立了“JMeter”代理机构,并进行了尝试,但做了一些工作。 我采取了以下步骤。
- Launch jmeter 2.3.3, added thread group to test plan
- Under Workbench->add->non-test elements-> added HTTP proxy server. proxy server setting are port:9090, target:use recording controller, grouping:donot group samplers, Type:HTTp request and checked the boxes of all under http sampler settings
- Saved the settings
- Now in browser(IE 7.0 or firefox 3.0.16), under connection settings, setup the manual proxy settings as local host and port as 9090 (no auto detect settings nothing, only manual proxy). Setting saved
- Now in the JMeter, started the http proxy server.
- Open a browser and hit the webpage needs to be tested.
页: 1 事实上,由于浏览器的变化,没有网页。 每当我试图打上一页时,该页就记录在JMeter上。 但是,如果没有网页开放,我如何能够测试。
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