In a comment on this answer (which suggests using bit-shift operators over integer multiplication / division, for performance), I queried whether this would actually be faster. In the back of my mind is an idea that at some level, something will be clever enough to work out that >> 1
and / 2
are the same operation. However, I m now wondering if this is in fact true, and if it is, at what level it occurs.
A test program produces the following comparative CIL (with optimize
on) for two methods that respectively divide and shift their argument:
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldc.i4.2
IL_0002: div
IL_0003: ret
} // end of method Program::Divider
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldc.i4.1
IL_0002: shr
IL_0003: ret
} // end of method Program::Shifter
So the C# compiler is emitting div
or shr
instructions, without being clever. I would now like to see the actual x86 assembler that the JITter produces, but I have no idea how to do this. Is it even possible?
edit to add
Thanks for answers, have accepted the one from nobugz because it contained the key information about that debugger option. What eventually worked for me is:
- Switch to Release configuration
- In
Tools | Options | Debugger
, switch off Suppress JIT optimization on module load (ie we want to allow JIT optimization) - Same place, switch off Enable Just My Code (ie we want to debug all code)
- Put a
statement somewhere - Build the assembly
- Run the .exe, and when it breaks, debug using the existing VS instance
- Now the Disassembly window shows you the actual x86 that s going to be executed
The results were enlightening to say the least - it turns out the JITter can actually do arithmetic! Here s edited samples from the Disassembly window. The various -Shifter
methods divide by powers of two using >>
; the various -Divider
methods divide by integers using /
shift-divided by 2: {1}
divide-divided by 2: {2}",
60, TwoShifter(60), TwoDivider(60)));
00000026 mov dword ptr [edx+4],3Ch
0000003b mov dword ptr [edx+4],1Eh
00000057 mov dword ptr [esi+4],1Eh
Both statically-divide-by-2 methods have not only been inlined, but the actual computations have been done by the JITter
divide-divided by 3: {1}",
60, ThreeDivider(60)));
00000085 mov dword ptr [esi+4],3Ch
000000a0 mov dword ptr [esi+4],14h
Same with statically-divide-by-3.
shift-divided by 4: {1}
divide-divided by 4 {2}",
60, FourShifter(60), FourDivider(60)));
000000ce mov dword ptr [esi+4],3Ch
000000e3 mov dword ptr [edx+4],0Fh
000000ff mov dword ptr [esi+4],0Fh
And statically-divide-by-4.
The best:
n-divided by 2: {1}
n-divided by 3: {2}
n-divided by 4: {3}",
60, Divider(60, 2), Divider(60, 3), Divider(60, 4)));
0000013e mov dword ptr [esi+4],3Ch
0000015b mov dword ptr [esi+4],1Eh
0000017b mov dword ptr [esi+4],14h
0000019b mov dword ptr [edi+4],0Fh
It s inlined and then computed all these static divisions!
But what if the result isn t static? I added to code to read an integer from the Console. This is what it produces for the divisions on that:
shift-divided by 2: {1}
divide-divided by 2: {2}",
i, TwoShifter(i), TwoDivider(i)));
00000211 sar eax,1
00000230 sar eax,1
So despite the CIL being different, the JITter knows that dividing by 2 is right-shifting by 1.
divide-divided by 3: {1}", i, ThreeDivider(i)));
00000283 idiv eax,ecx
And it knows you have to divide to divide by 3.
shift-divided by 4: {1}
divide-divided by 4 {2}",
i, FourShifter(i), FourDivider(i)));
000002c5 sar eax,2
000002ec sar eax,2
And it knows that dividing by 4 is right-shifting by 2.
Finally (the best again!)
n-divided by 2: {1}
n-divided by 3: {2}
n-divided by 4: {3}",
i, Divider(i, 2), Divider(i, 3), Divider(i, 4)));
00000345 sar eax,1
00000370 idiv eax,ecx
00000395 sar esi,2
It has inlined the method and worked out the best way to do things, based on the statically-available arguments. Nice.
So yes, somewhere in the stack between C# and x86, something is clever enough to work out that >> 1
and / 2
are the same. And all this has given even more weight in my mind to my opinion that adding together the C# compiler, the JITter, and the CLR makes a whole lot more clever than any little tricks we can try as humble applications programmers :)