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Using CARMEN Robot Navigation Toolkit with Hoyuko Laser

I m currently working with CARMEN (http://carmen.sourceforge.net/), and I m trying to make a robot navigate using the CARMEN toolkit and a Hoyuko URG-04LX. Even though the laser does work, and CARMEN reads the data (I checked running the CARMEN laserview, and it shows the laser scans), the "robot" module doesn t receive any data from the laser.

Has anyone managed to make the Hokuyo URG laser work with CARMEN?


Just had to remove the "HOKUYO IN SCIP 2.0 MODE" from the sourcecode before compiling, and then manually setting SCIP2.0 mode everytime the laser starts. :)


If the data is showing up in laserview, then there is nothing wrong with the laser. Is the robot program connected to the central IPC server program as the laser program? You can also try using the logger program to record the laser information to disk, this will allow you to check that they are actually flowing through the system.

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