The target is someone s Exchange Calendar (2007). I want to add a simple "Appointment Occurance" to someone s calendar. This code works (I am using the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll):
service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("supervisor", "password", "DOMAIN.COM");
service.AutodiscoverUrl("<>", ValidateRedirectionUrlCallback);
appt = new Appointment(service);
appt.Subject = "<subject>";
appt.Body = "<Body Text>";
appt.Start = _DateFrom;
appt.End = _DateTo;
appt.Sensitivity = Sensitivity.Private;
However, there are problems with this code:
- The appointment target is the employee. When adding the appointment, the appointment shows up for the employee (yay!) but also for the supervisor (boo!). Am I supposed to use the employee s credentials? If so, what if I do not have access to that - only the supervisors, am I out of the game already?
- The appointment shows up in Outlook as a "Meeting Appointment" and not and "Appointment Occurrence". So, the box to input meeting attendees is showing (with no one in it of course), and is irrelevant in my scenario.
- appt.Body does not respond at all to Environment.NewLine or " " - I haven t tried HTML yet.