I ve a portal project built in Rails 1.2.3. I ve finished it at end of 2006.
The project are using the following plug-ins: acts_as_attachment acts_as_ferret betternestedset simple_http_auth
I know all plug-ins (or dependencies) was changed today, or doesn t exists anymore. The DHH says: Don t overestimate the power of versions. But I m worrying about this.
If I update the rails version, all things will gonna fail. I can change my application to work with new rails version. I think I can read what s now deprecated and change it. But now I need to support all dependencies by myself or change it to other dependencies (Eg: acts_as_attachment to atachment_fu or paperclip). What to say about tomorrow?
My doubt isn t only about Rails, it s about using dependencies to increase productivity. In other projects I ve used pure Python code, or even pure Ruby code, or pure Php code. Today I can run it in latest versions of "language/environment" without (or few) changes.
These projects haven t external dependencies, it s just the application code. Maybe using some web framework just as skeleton, but not external projects.
What do you think about this?