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Missing "ADODB" assembly with Mono?

I m trying to port some ASP.Net code to mono. I am testing it using xsp2. I compile it with Visual Studio also before running it with xsp2.

Whenever I go to a practically blank page in my application I get

Parser Error Message: Assembly ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A not found

I have searched and not found any info anywhere about this. I know the web application makes use of Webparts and the SqlPersonalization thing which is not supported in Mono, but I m going to basically a blank page with a master page and getting this strange error.

And I have ran Moma and it only complained about web parts and SqlPersonalization, neither of which are on the page I m trying to view(or referenced in any way).

What could be the problem here? Has someone hit a problem like this before? Also I m using the latest version of Mono on Windows


ADODB is the primary interop assembly for the old Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO, aka MDAC) COM-based database access layer. Looks like the ASP.NET code you re trying to port uses an older, non-.NET data access library for some reason. I suspect that library doesn t, and never will, exist on Mono.

One solution would be to port the code that uses ADO to ADO.NET, if that s possible.



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