I would like to monitor the use of mallocs and frees in an application by using the malloc and free hooks.
Here s the documentation http://www.gnu.org/s/libc/manual/html_node/Hooks-for-Malloc.html
From the example page you can see that my_malloc_hook
transiently switches the malloc hook off (or to the previous hook in the chain) before re-invoking malloc.
This is a problem when monitoring multi-threaded applications (see end of question for explanation).
Other examples of the use of malloc hook that I have found on the internet have the same problem.
Is there a way to re-write this function to work correctly in a multi-threaded application?
For instance, is there an internal libc function that the malloc hook can invoke that completes the allocation, without the need to deactivate my hook.
I can t look at the libc source code due to corporate legal policy, so the answer may be obvious.
My design spec says I cannot replace malloc with a different malloc design.
I can assume that no other hooks are in play.
Since the malloc hook is temporarily removed while servicing the malloc, another thread may call malloc and NOT get the hook.
It has been suggested that malloc has a big lock around it that prevents this from happening, but it s not documented, and the fact that I effectively recursively call malloc suggests any lock must either exist after the hook, or be jolly clever:
caller ->
malloc ->
malloc-hook (disables hook) ->
malloc -> # possible hazard starts here
malloc <-
malloc-hook (enables hook) <-