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Microsoft partner API: can t authenticate

I ve created an app in Azure AD and followed this steps (Application and user access): https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/partner-rest/blob/docs/partner-rest/develop/api-authentication.md

From what I understand the Microsoft Partner API only works with MFA, so I can t authenticate using username + password to https://login.microsoftonline.com.

To get an access_code, I perform these steps:

  1. Open the url in my browser: https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://****/test.php&response_mode=form_post&scope=offline_access%20openid%20profile%20User.Read&state=1

  2. On the callback url, I receive a code, which I use to request the access_code. I perform the following request:

curl --request POST  https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/token  
--header  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  
--data-urlencode  grant_type=authorization_code  
--data-urlencode  client_id=CLIENT_ID  
--data-urlencode  client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET  
--data-urlencode  resource=https://api.partner.microsoft.com  
--data-urlencode  code=CODE_FROM_PREVIOUS_REQUEST  
--data-urlencode  redirect_uri=https://****/test.php 

Now I have the access_code and the refresh_token

  1. This is where I m stuck, I use the access_token in the following request:
curl --request GET  https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/v1/customers  
--header  Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN 

But I get an 401 invalid_grant error. I also found this article from a similar problem, but that didn t help.


Try to use a refresh_token in the call to the Partner Center API instead of an ACCESS_TOKEN. I had a similar issue and was able to bypass the 401 invalid_grant error with this.

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