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How can I set up bake with MAMP on OS X with projects in Sites ?

I m trying to set up cake bake on OS X. I m using MAMP and every time I try to bake , I get this:

-bash: cake: command not found

I have the Apress Beginning CakePHP book, but the suggestions in that book aren t working for me. In the Apress, book, he suggests the following solution in .profile

alias cake="php ~/Sites/blog/cake/console/cake.php"

I ve also found some other suggestions: (put an alias in .profile)

alias cake="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin/php /Users/fabian/Sites/miapp/cake/console/cake.php"

alias cake="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin/php /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/cake/console/cake.php"

I ve also tried this in terminal: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin/php ~/Sites/miapp/cake/console/cake.php bake

...but this didn t work either.

I also tried the solution in this YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOBO-kEakQ0 , but that didn t work either.

So...how could I get bake working with MAMP on OS X with my projects in Sites ?




not sure what cake bake is, but it looks like it can t find cake on your path. After you set the alias in your .profile did you issue:

source ~/.profile

to update the settings in it?



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