I should convert a huge load of code which was written in VBA (Excel) to VB6. But I really do not know what I have to take care of or where to begin. Therefore it would be great to get some hints here from the VB6 experts.
I installed already MS Visual Studio and played a bit around. But I m not a VB6 expert and do not really know what I have to do.
The final goal is to have all the VBA code, which is currently placed in one excel vba macro into a VB6 project and create a .dll out of it. This .dll should be referenced by the excel and the excel should run like it does now :-)
For example what do I have to do to convert this vba code to VB6.
Public Function getParameterNumberOfMaterial() As Integer
10 On Error Resume Next
Dim a As String
20 a = Sheets("Parameters").name
30 If IsNumeric(Application.Worksheets(a).range("C3").Value) Then
40 If Application.Worksheets(a).range("C3").Value > 0 Then
50 getParameterNumberOfMaterial = Application.Worksheets(a).range("C3").Value
60 Else
70 MsgBox "Please check cell C3 in the sheet Parameters . It should include a numeric value which is greater than zero"
80 MsgBox "Parameter Number of Material/Cost is set to the default value of 10"
90 getParameterNumberOfMaterial = 10
100 End If
110 Else
120 MsgBox "Please check cell C3 in the sheet Parameters . It should include a numeric value which is greater than zero"
130 MsgBox "Parameter Number of Material/Cost is set to the default value of 10"
140 getParameterNumberOfMaterial = 10
150 End If
160 On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Edit: Yes and if it is possible to convert vba code into a .dll this would be fine also. Then I would not have to convert the code. But I think it is only possible to create a .dll out of vb6 code.