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How to prevent duplication of bar chart in iReport

I ve tried to use chart in iReport for the first time. I ve used a bar chart and anytime I preview the chart I see plenty of them, iIthink about 6. I only need a single one is there anything that I didn t do?
I have a query like this :

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_message, `status`, DATE_FORMAT(date_created, %M ) AS `month` FROM message WHERE YEAR(date_created)=$P{year} GROUP BY `status`, MONTH(date_created) ORDER BY `status` DESC

and I have a result like

|total message | status | month       |
|1             | FAILED | January     |
|10            | SENT   | Febuary     |
|11            | SENT   | March       |
|123           | SENT   | April       |
|156           | FAILED | May         |

up to december.

My serie expression is set to ${Status}

categorie expression is ${month}

value expression is ${total_message}

Can somebody help me? thanks for reading this!


You didn t provide any code, but I have a guess: you have put the chart in the details band, and you are printing it for each record in your DataSource. Put the chart in a non-repeatable band.



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