Actually I want to draw the background of a selected NSStatusItem
on the CALayer
of my custom statusItemView. But since
- (void)drawStatusBarBackgroundInRect:(NSRect)rect withHighlight:(BOOL)highlight
does not work (?) on layers I ve tried it to draw the color with the backgroundColor property. But converting the selectedMenuItemColor into RGB doesn t help very much. It looks really plain without the gradient. :-/
I converted [NSColor selectedMenuItemColor]
into a CGColorRef
with this code:
- (CGColorRef)highlightColor {
static CGColorRef highlight = NULL;
if(highlight == NULL) {
CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha;
NSColor *hlclr = [[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] colorUsingColorSpace:
[NSColorSpace genericRGBColorSpace]];
[hlclr getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
CGFloat values[4] = {red, green, blue, alpha};
highlight = CGColorCreate([self genericRGBSpace], values);
return highlight;
Any idea how to draw a native looking statusitem background on a CALayer?